Thursday, February 8, 2007

Whose anniversary is it today?

Muhammad Haque Political Poetry Friday 9 Feb 2007

© Muhammad Haque 2007

The Muhammad Haque Political Poetry
London 0255 Hrs GMT

Friday 9 February 2007

Whose anniversary is it today?


How many names make it today?

In the front pages of the world?

In how many languages

Apart from the languages

Of the chosen ones!

English is of course THE chosen language

Hence these lines are being originated, scripted in it

And the others

Like the English language

That dominate

That predominate

How many names can they

Provide that appear

Prominently on the front-pages?

And those that do

Why do they do?

Do they evoke awe

Like the promise

The potential

The threat
Of awe they spread
Across the intra nets
Shared between the
Plotters of mass murder
Back in February 2002

As they scripted away
And planned to hold sway
Over the known networks
Of mass fear and hysteria

How many of the mass murderers
Are being given solemn
Citations in the avid
Columns of gravely worded
That fill the deeper
In the even deeper
Organs of countable
World opinion!

Do they confess to the crimes
Of op Ed writers?

Writers who collude with
Crimes of mass murder
Writers who are complicit
In mass murder

So long as the crimes
Are committed
In lands
And to people
As the legitimate
Recipients of such

Whose anniversary is being
Observed in the halls
Of over hyped academies
Across the territories
Presumed to belong
To the chosen people

Who assert the chosen status
By the fact of their ability
To commit mass violations against
Those they deem are armless
And those they know are
Objectively speaking harmless
And so they take advantage of the
Harmless and the armless
And they consign the innocents
To the worst suffering!

Are the anniversary laureates
Mindful of a thing they used to call justice?

Are the regimes endorsed laureates
Still claiming to possess a soul?
As they compose verses and rhymes
Obliterating justice in our times?

Whose palatial home

Will be the venue of what celebration

Of how many lies against civilisation

As defined by reference to the evocation
Of evil in place of respect, of adulation
Of capital crime in place of toleration
Of human rights?


Will that phrase last the year

Until the next anniversary

Or will they banish the phrase

And the concept

Of human rights

Before another year is out?


Whose anniversary will they be

Celebrating after that?